Whenever you have a wall that needs a little tender loving care (or mortar), it’s time to call in a repointing expert.
Repointing a brick wall is a straightforward process, but without the right supplies and process, it’s not all that easy at all! Whenever you have a wall that needs a little tender loving care (or mortar), it’s time to call in a repointing expert. Here’s what you need to know about repairing and repointing a wall.
Know Your Mortar
If you have any brick that is under fifty years old, you can probably repoint it with portland cement mortar. However, if your wall or home was built pre-WWII, the mortar is probably a mixture of sand and lime putty. Older mortar should always be matched instead of replaced with something new. If you partner with a skilled masonry restoration company like Del Prete Masonry, they can test the mortar composition to match it.
Repointing a Masonry Wall
- Start by taking out the horizontal joints between each brick so that there is at least ¾ inch of space.
- Once you have cleaned the mortar out, carefully dig out the vertical joints using a tool that you are comfortable using. For most people, this is a 5-in-1 painter’s tool and a hammer for extra strength.
- Wash the wall with a stiff-bristled brush to get rid of any debris left behind. Before you continue with the repointing process, you should mist the wall. If you attempt to repoint a bone-dry wall, the dry brick will zap the moisture from the wet mortar.
- Mix the mortar according to the manufacturer instructions or the mixture that will work to mimic the old mortar.
- Fill the joints slowly and carefully using a brick trowel. Once you fill the bed joints, you can return to fill the head joints.
- Once all the joints have been filled scrape off the excess mortar and brush the wall with a stiff-bristled brush; sponge any remaining mortar residue off the surface.
- Protect the repointed area with a tarp and give the wall a misting with water each day until everything finishes setting.
Contact Del Prete Masonry For Your Next Masonry Project!
If you are ready to upgrade your home or commercial building with professional masonry installation or replacement, Del Prete Masonry has the experience and expertise to get the job done right for the right price. To explore our residential and commercial services and set up a consultation, please give us a call at 410-683-0650 or contact us online. We currently serve Baltimore City and County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. To see examples of our work and get more updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.
Tags: brick, brick repointing, repointing