With these masonry tips on hand, you will be more than up to the challenge.
If you are wondering how to best care for your masonry construction as the weather warms, you have come to the right place. It is a valid concern to have, as warm weather poses unique challenges to masonry. With these masonry tips on hand, you will be more than up to the challenge. Read on to learn how to help your masonry handle the heat.
The Challenges of Masonry Construction During Hot Weather
The kind of heat that affects masonry is different from the kind of heat that affects you. While you may be walking around hot and uncomfortable, it takes higher temperatures to start to affect masonry. When it comes to masonry construction, hot weather is defined as an ambient temperature which is greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if the wind velocity is larger than 8 mph, this temperature can be reduced to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Challenges posed by hot weather include:
-A reduction in workability
-Higher water use
-Overall less entrained air
-Initial and final sets occur faster, meaning there’s less overall time to get a job done right
-Units absorb more moisture from mortar than they would in cooler conditions.
Choosing Mortar Mix For Hot Weather
Mortar properties are affected by hot weather and need to be taken into account. As water retentivity and workability are changed by the weather, it is important to select a mortar type for any job with care. Tips for choosing the right mortar for a job include:
-Choosing highly workable mixes
-Choosing water-retentive mixes
-Strategically schedule construction to avoid the hottest part of the day
-Minimize direct sunlight on a project as much as possible
-Make use of cool water to mix mortar
-Keep sand piles damp and loose
-Flush metal equipment with cool water, as metal will conduct high heat otherwise
Commercial And Residential Masonry Tips from Del Prete Masonry
If you are ready to upgrade your home with beautiful limestone or marble, Del Prete Masonry has the experience and expertise to get the job done right for the right price. To explore our residential and commercial services and set up a consultation, please give us a call at 410-683-0650 or contact us online. We currently serve Baltimore City and County, Harford County, Carroll County, Anne Arundel County, and Howard County. To see examples of our work and get more updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.